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Unique Course Offerings

Supportive Peers Program

Supportive Peer Relationships – application and approval required by Supportive Peer Teacher

‘Supportive Peers’ is a program where high school students who have applied and been selected forgo an elective or study hall and are placed throughout the district to work in an inclusive environment with students who have exceptional needs.  Supportive Peers are responsible for monitoring student work in the classroom and assisting their assigned peer(s) in their adjustment to being in a general education classroom.  They are likewise expected to be positive role models and advocates for the student(s) with whom they are working.  These student peers give of their time to inspire and be that bridge that helps ensure ALL students achieve academic growth and success.  They likewise serve as models and teachers of socially appropriate behavior for those who struggle in this arena.  This class is available to juniors and seniors (in special cases, sophomores).  Students are required to participate in training prior to being placed and will receive additional instruction throughout the school year.  Students are also expected to complete small ‘weekly tasks’ (as they are called) that are service oriented and promote putting other’s first.  (ex. Try to determine what best motivates one of your peers to do their best.  Use this motivation to attempt to encourage your student to push beyond what they naturally accept as ‘okay’.  Relay back what happened). 

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