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Technical Job Planning

Career Path Exploration
Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education


'One Stop Shop for Parents, Students, and Educators'

To learn more about in-demand career pathways as well as work-based learning opportunities, please visit the Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) ENGAGE portal.  This portal provides information about the great career opportunities in our region.

Please send any questions to Bryan Stewart, Workforce Director at MCESC,

Career Connections


Accountant - Do you know what an accountant does? This week's career exploration post explores a career in accounting. Check out this video to learn more.
Brand Manager - Curious what a Brand Manager does? This week's career exploration post highlights a fascinating role in today's global economy!
Construction -  Learn more about the dedicated, hard-working men and women instrumental in the development of our infrastructure.
Culinary Industry Click here for more on getting started. 
Chemical Engineer - This week we're exploring careers in chemical engineering! Watch this video to hear advice about chemistry-related careers!
Manufacturing -  Watch this video to learn more.
Paramedics are licensed health professionals who provide pre-hospital advanced life support. Click here to see a day in the life of this profession.
Plumber and Pipefitter-  We're dedicated to connecting students to careers of all types! Check out this video to learn more about careers in pipefitting and plumbing.
Robotics  This video has leading robotic experts discussing the importance of National Robotics Week and STEM education.
Software DevelopingThis video features one developer who wants to improve other's lives.

Technology & Engineering

Wayne Local Information Technology & Engineering

2021 August - Quarterly Capacitor Newsletter - Issue 1

Summer Camp Opportunities


Dayton Metro Library Career Connections Camp - Join us for Career Adventures Camp all week! Join in at noon every day to explore the coolest careers in the Miami Valley! Click here to learn more!

Summer Camp Opportunities

Career Adventure Camp Application

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