Junior High School News
Showing Entries for 2022 - September
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Best Wishes Mr. Pat Dubbs and Welcome Dr. Sam Ison!
SEP 6, 2022
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After fourteen (14) years with Wayne Local Schools, Superintendent Pat Dubbs has been offered an exciting opportunity at another school district to return to what he truly loves - working directly wit...
Junior High Leadership Class
SEP 6, 2022
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The word of the day - “Serve” - taking time to help pick up trash around the stadium and showing Spartan Pride! Thank you students and Teacher Chip King!
Environmental Updates
SEP 1, 2022
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IMPORTANT NOTICE Regarding School Meals
SEP 1, 2022
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For the past two years, the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) has offered waivers to Child Nutrition (CN) Programs across the United States, allowing these programs to offer all students b...