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High School News

High School News


Financial Aid Night Presentation and FAFSA Workshop

When:  October 7

Time:  6:00 pm

Location:  Spartan Room

All High School students and parents are invited to learn more about the financial aid p...

ribbon cutting

The Ribbon Cutting Event was a special one as Superintendent Mr. Dubbs presented the community with their new Waynesville Elementary School.  

The multi-purpose space hosting the gym/cafeteria/theate...

soccer shield

Boys Varsity Soccer

SEP 28, 2021

  Last Thursday the Spartans put away Springfield Shawnee at home with a score of 3-0. Senior Jake Duncan had a pair of goals (one of them a PK) while sophomore Grayson Dowell put the explanation mark...

volunteer opportunities

Hello High School Parents!!

The After Prom Committee for the 2022 After Prom is now forming and we need lots of volunteers to help pull off a fantastic event this year.   We need lots of volunteers t...


Homecoming 2021

SEP 28, 2021


Homecoming Queen - Holly Worthington
Homecoming King - Jacob Duncan

friendship invitational

The Waynesville High School Lady Spartans Cross Country Team won First Place at the Cedarville Friendship Invitational last Saturday! Our team was led by first place race champion and sophomore supers...

media center

Construction News

SEP 28, 2021

The below photos are part of the new Waynesville Elementary School upon it's completion.  Students were able to enjoy their new school and classrooms beginning August 31st, 2021.

The last three photo...

boys cross country

  The boys raced to a Runner-Up finish out of 22 teams. Caden Adams (8th) led the way with Jackson Berger (9th), Jonas King (23rd), Noah Wooldridge (51st), and Andrew Hamilton (53rd) scoring. Addison ...

superintendent's message

The Ohio Department of Health is piloting a Test & Stay program in ten (10) Warren County districts that will begin on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.  Test & Stay is a testing initiative for asymptomati...

army reserves

United States Army Reserves

Junior and Senior students had the opportunity to listen to Army Reserve recruiter SSG Christopher Aggas.  

The Mission of the US Army Reserves is to provide COMBAT-READY...

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