High School News
High School News

First Day of Spring - March 20th

Waynesville Supper Club
This past Wednesday night we hosted our second "Waynesville Supper Club" event where we had a mix of students 9-12 and community leaders come together to share a meal and interact with one another....

Indoor Track and Field
Posted: 3/10/2023
Last Friday several Waynesville student athletes participated in the State Indoor Track Meet. The results were:
Samantha Erbach - 3rd (1600m), 5th (800m)
4x400m Relay - 4th - Ke...

SWBL Leadership Conference
The SWBL hosted a leadership conference Friday, March 3rd at Wright State University. Student leaders from the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes from each school in the league attended. The st...

National Athletic Training Month
The month of March is National Athletic Training Month. We are lucky to have the best! Thank you to Courtney Powell for your never ending care and support of our athletes at Waynesville.

Miamisburg Art Show 2023

Daylight Savings Time Begins
Daylight saving time is the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls later each day according to the clock.
Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 2...

Lacrosse Fundraiser - Yard Signs
Waynesville Yard Signs - You choose sport or activity to display!
Lacrosse Fundraiser
Show your Spartan Pride with a custom yard sign! These signs are brought to you by the Waynesville Lacrosse Club ...

WHS Career Fair - Coming Soon!
Blood Drive A Huge Success
Blood Drive - RESULTS!
Results from the March 7th drive:
- 46 people registered to give blood!
- 41 were successful!
- 15 first time donors!..INCREDIBLE!!!
- 117% to goal!
- Ove...