High School News
Showing Entries for 2023 - April
5th Grade Recorder Concert
Great WES 5th Grade Concert tonight! The students began working with the recorders in March of their 4th grade year.
Wonderful attendance!
Airplane Contest
High School Connect class held an airplane-making contest as one of their planned school-wide activities. Each connect class participated in building individual airplanes, with the top classroom pick ...
HS Art Club Gets Creative
Our High School Art Club students joined up last week at the Mary L Cook Library to volunteer to create colorful spring magnets for Ohio Living Quaker Heights residents.
Jr. High Spring Fling
Junior High Student Council hosted a Spring Fling Dance last Friday. There was a great turn out and the kids had a blast! Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Lukasavage would like to give a big SHOUT OUT to student...
Congratulations Senior and Junior Prom Courts
Gateway to Engineering Project
Students in the Gateway to Engineering class have been working to create pull toys that have a secondary effect. The pull is the energy and the output has a theme. For example, remember the toy corn p...
Congratulations Evan Barrett !!
Bereavement Group Support Group
A Call for Students to Participate in a Bereavement Group Support Group
(Grades 7-12)
A representative from Dayton hospice will be running a bereavement/grief group for students grades 7-12. This grou...
The Dangers of Drugs Discussion from Officer Mermann
School Resource Officer, S. Merman is presenting to Mr. Philpot’s freshmen class about prescription drugs and different drug classifications. These lessons are part of an anti-drug series educating t...