High School News
Showing Entries for 2023 - March

Project Lead the Way

AP Stats and Skittles!
Students in Ms. Montgomery’s AP Stats class completed a fun data collection activity using flavors of Skittles in order to conduct significance tests on proportions.

High School Student Council Elections for 2023-2024
High School Student Council Elections including CLASS OFFICERS are coming soon for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
Application packet...

Family Matters Series - Begins March 28

Athletic Hall of Fame
Waynesville Athletics will be inducting a new class into the Hall of Fame beginning in the Fall of 2023.
Do you know of someone that graduated in the class of 2015 or before that should be considered?

Progressive Women's Group Care Packages for Troops

First Day of Spring - March 20th

Waynesville Supper Club
This past Wednesday night we hosted our second "Waynesville Supper Club" event where we had a mix of students 9-12 and community leaders come together to share a meal and interact with one another....

Indoor Track and Field
Posted: 3/10/2023
Last Friday several Waynesville student athletes participated in the State Indoor Track Meet. The results were:
Samantha Erbach - 3rd (1600m), 5th (800m)
4x400m Relay - 4th - Ke...

SWBL Leadership Conference
The SWBL hosted a leadership conference Friday, March 3rd at Wright State University. Student leaders from the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes from each school in the league attended. The st...