High School News
Showing Entries for 2023 - January

Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Monday, January 16th

Inspiration Can Be Found Everywhere
As you walk the hallways and classrooms of Wayne Local Schools, inspiration can be found everywhere. Sometimes they are large messages like this bulletin board outside of the chemistry classroom, whi...

Scratch and Win!
The junior and senior high schools have a fun incentive for students caught exhibiting key school values... being Responsible, being Respectful, and being Ready. The incentive scratch off cards are p...

Spanish II Using Life Maps to Tell a Story
Students in Mrs. Horvath's Spanish II class work on a Life Mapping project where they will create presentations that road map the story of their life. Next week, the students will get to present their...

National Technology Appreciation
National Technology Day is recognized this month and focuses on the way technology changes the world and looks to the future of technology. From the wheel to smartphones, we honor technological achiev...

Wayne Local Students in Springboro Production!
Nolan Todd (Senior) plays two characters: Bruno and Volstagg
Clara Kolaczkowski (Senior) plays two characters: Ammi and Hogun
Alice Kolaczkowski (6th grade) plays Attli and Fangirl

Experiential Learning Program
Students in Experiential Learning at the high school presented their final pitches to judges on Monday December 5th. The students created product concepts and partnered with Sinclair Community Colleg...

Signing Day
Allie Freese signed with Wright State University to continue her academic and athletic career in Soccer next year. Congratulations to Allie and her family!

Amazing Saxophone Performances!
A HUGE congratulations to the WHS saxophone quartet comprised of seniors Carter Atkins (alto), Nick Ronald (alto), Ryan Leopold (tenor) and David Weaver (baritone) this past week, with performances on...