Elementary School News
Elementary School News
Entry Tags (1 found)
Principal's MessageElementary School Fun Run 2022
On October 7, 2022, elementary school students will be participating in a Fun Run to support our school. All of the money raised will be used by the Waynesville Elementary PTO and Waynesville Element...
IMPORTANT NOTICE Regarding School Meals
For the past two years, the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) has offered waivers to Child Nutrition (CN) Programs across the United States, allowing these programs to offer all students b...
Masking is not required but you may wear one.
We encourage people to take advantage of available COVID vaccinations
Stay home if you are symptomatic or feelin...
Youth Soccer Fall 2022
WSA is a recreational SAY soccer league with programs and divisions for ages 3-14.
Our Tots program is a special program we added for the littles...
Military/First Responder Night T-shirts ON SALE NOW!
Athletic Booster T-shirt sale for our Military/First Responder Night
Shirts are on Sale Now: (Order by Aug. 30th to get them in time for Sept. 2nd Football Game)
Waynesville Junior/Senior High News - Building Update
School Scheduled To Open:
Since the mold was discovered, Waynesville Junior/Senior High has remained closed for in-person instruction with students and staff. We’ve addressed what we believe were...
Building Updates - August 21
Upon walking and inspecting the condition of the building today, there is still work to be done and progress to be made before the Junior/Senior High is up to standard. With student and staff safety a...
Air Quality Tests Will Determine Junior/Senior High Reopening
Posted: August 19, 2022
Our Approach
From the very beginning and throughout this mediation to assess and resolve the situation, the school district, property insurance, and restoration company h...
Traffic and Parking Diagrams for 6
Arrival: When arriving to drop off your student, please note the following:
Arrival will be the same for ALL 6-12 students.
- Drop off will be 2 lanes in the elementary school parking lot.
- Ente...