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Elementary School News

Elementary School News


Entry Tags (1 found)

Principal's Message
Thank you

National Technology Appreciation

JAN 11, 2023
at12:00 am

National Technology Day is recognized this month and focuses on the way technology changes the world and looks to the future of technology. From the wheel to smartphones, we honor technological achiev...

recycling students

K-6th Grade Recycle Club

JAN 11, 2023
at12:00 am

Recycling Club students are eager to bring back the recycling program while learning life skills. Students will create checklists during the week, and then pick up recycling containers from all teache...

springboro community theater

Nolan Todd (Senior) plays two characters: Bruno and Volstagg
Clara Kolaczkowski (Senior) plays two characters: Ammi and Hogun
Alice Kolaczkowski (6th grade) plays Attli and Fangirl



Attention Waynesville Elementary School Families, this is a reminder that our student DISMISSAL PROCEDURES will be changing on Monday, January 9th. Please review the letter that was emailed by Mrs. Ga...

christmas theater

A Seussified Christmas Carol

DEC 15, 2022
at12:00 am

Thank you to the PTO, who sponsored TCT on Tour (Cincinnati Children’s Theater – live production). Students in the elementary school were invited to attend “A Seussified Christmas Carol“ that was held...

excellent medal

Spartan Excellence

DEC 13, 2022
at12:00 am

On Tuesday, December 6th, students and staff were recognized at the Board of Education meeting for their EXEMPLARY character, leadership and commitment to Wayne Local Schools.The Board of Education wa...

board meeting

This is notification of the date, time, and location of a public meeting. Pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Revised Code, notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Wayne Local School D...

super saturday

The Super Saturday Program

DEC 13, 2022
at12:00 am
canned food drive loading

Canned Food Drive 2022

DEC 13, 2022
at12:00 am

In coordination with the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion Post 615, Wayne Local Schools School District students have been participating in a canned food drive to support our local community an...

character traits

CORE Value Character Ceremony - Series

DEC 13, 2022
at12:00 am

ELEMENTARY CHARACTER TRAIT RECOGNITION   The elementary school held a Core Value Character Ceremony to honor students who exemplify the November word of the month - "COURAGE."  Congratulations to thes...

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