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What is Ohio’s new “Cell Phones In Schools: Model Policy?

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What is Ohio’s new “Cell Phones In Schools: Model Policy?

Aug 27, 2024
at 9:45 am
cell phones

Signed into law by Gov. Mike DeWine on May 15, House Bill 250, Ohio’s Cell Phones in Schools: Model Policy, is designed to strengthen the focus on learning by limiting the use of cell phones by students during the school day. In addition to being a distraction from classroom instruction for students, research has shown that increased cell phone use leads to higher levels of anxiety, depression and mental health issues for some children.

Ohio’s new Cell Phone Policy prohibits the use of cell phones by students during the school day, with a few exceptions related to students IEPs, 504s and monitoring of medical/health concerns. 

How will this new policy impact students in the Wayne Local Schools?

  • Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, all student cell phones must be turned OFF and put away during the regular school day
  • Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, students will no longer be able to use wireless headphones and/or ear buds during the school day. Wired or corded headphones will be permitted for use with classroom and/or other district-issued devices.

Where should my child store their cell phone and wireless headphones/earbuds?

Cell phones, wireless headphones, wireless earbuds and all other electronic devices brought to school by students are expected to be turned off and stored in a provided caddie in each class or in a students locker.  If a student does not have a device on them during class, they will put a paper slip in the caddie slot noted by their teacher so their teacher is aware that they do not have their device on them and it is located in a locker or at home.  6th grade will have their own policy in place where cell phones should be in a locker or kept at home each day and will not be allowed to be carried on their person unless they have a specific concern as stated above.  This will then be on a case by case basis after talking with school administration and a plan is put in place.

What happens if my child needs to use headphones during the school day?

Students may use corded headphones during the school day when using a classroom or district-issued device. All wireless earphone devices are prohibited.  Teachers will have extra corded headphones if a student needs; however, students are encouraged to get their own if they feel they need them for their classes.

What happens if my child has their cell phone or wireless headphones/earbuds out without permission?

Following along with the PBIS framework that is familiar to all students, we are being proactive in familiarizing students and families with the new cell phone policy, thereby setting clear expectations for cell phone usage in our schools. We will have a progressive discipline process in place to address the violation of this rule.

Again, our building administrators and classroom teachers will be providing multiple learning opportunities and communication to help all students clearly understand the expectation for not having cellphones and/or wireless headphones and earbuds in use during the school day.

What about lunch and study hall policies? 

Study hall will follow the same policy as a regular classroom and students will be prohibited from being on them during this time.

For lunch, we will stay consistent with our policies from past years.  7th and 8th grade students will not be permitted to be on their cell phones at any time.  6th graders will not be permitted to have them on them at any point during the school day.

9-12th grade students will be permitted to have their cell phones and use them in an appropriate manner during this time.

What happens if my child’s electronic device is broken, stolen or lost while at school?

Consistent with current district protocol, the Wayne Local School District is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal electronic devices. If you are concerned about a device being lost, stolen or damaged, you are encouraged to have your child leave all personal devices at home.

What if my child has a medical condition, an IEP or a 504 that requires they have use of a personal electronic device for monitoring, etc., while at school?

If a child has a medical condition that requires a personal electronic device for monitoring, the parent/guardian is responsible for providing the child’s School Nurse with a doctor’s note to this effect. Once the note is presented, a plan will be established to assist the child in using a  personal electronic device for medical monitoring during school hours.

Nothing in Ohio’s “Cell Phones in Schools: Model Policy” or the Wayne Local  School District’s “Personal Communication Devices” policy prohibits a student from using a cell phone or other personal electronic device for a purpose documented in the student’s IEP developed under Chapter 3323 of the Ohio Revised Code, or a student’s plan developed under section 504 of the “Rehabilitation Act of 1973,” 29 U.S.S. 794.

How do I communicate with my child during the school day or if my child needs to communicate with me?

Students who need to communicate with their family during the school day, can ask permission to go to the office to make a call home to their family. If a family member needs to communicate with their child while at school, they should contact the high school or junior high office at their child’s school, and a staff member will assist them with communicating a message to the student.

 Will staff be permitted to capture and promote the great things going on across the district during the school day?

Our staff members will be modeling responsible cell phone behavior by limiting the use of their personal cell phones during the school day. That said, our staff members are often our district’s greatest ambassadors, and as such, will continue to be encouraged to share “good news” about their students and our schools with the community via social media during plan time and before and after the school day.  They may have their devices out to capture these moments in class and to communicate quickly with administration and office personnel if needed.

What if my child experiences anxiety and the electronic device assists them during the school day?

We want all of our students to feel safe and supported at school. If your child requires access to their phone to help with anxiety or other social/emotional needs, please contact your child’s principal or school counselor, and working together, we will develop a plan that supports your child.

What if I am concerned that an emergency situation will occur at school and I will want my child to be able to quickly contact me?

During our Safety Drills, we emphasize the importance of remaining focused on the real-time information and directions being provided. Cell phone communication at home can, quite frankly, be a big distraction in the event of a true emergency, when a child’s first priority should be concentrating on what they have learned in these Safety Drills to take care of their own immediate safety needs.

As soon as the safety of our students has been assured by our staff, the next priority will be to communicate important information regarding the incident to our parents and guardians. We know how disconcerting safety-related incidents that happen at school can be, and how downright frightening a true emergency that threatens the safety of students and staff can be for all families. Please know that we are committed to full communication with families as quickly and as thoroughly as possible when these situations occur.


The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce has put together an excellent toolkit to guide school districts, their staff and their families through the successful implementation of the “Cell Phones in Schools: Model Policy:”

Cell Phones in Schools: Supports for Families

Cell Phones in Schools: Model Policy  (You can use this link to download full policy)

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