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Waynesville Supper Club

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Waynesville Supper Club

Mar 10, 2023
at 10:00 am
Waynesville Supper Club poster with food

This past Wednesday night we  hosted our second "Waynesville Supper Club" event where we had a mix of students 9-12 and community leaders come together to share a meal and interact with one another.   This is the first time we hosted our event in the main lobby of our new performing arts center and it was amazing!  We also have 7 amazing community leaders who are volunteering their time to come share their experiences and interact with our students.  Thank you to Brandon Larson- The Bridge, Andy Suittor -Owner of Designs Now, Darren Amburgy - Board President, Brad Eshler- Police Officer, Angie Layne- Realtor and owner of Country Layne Travel Agency, Angie Hubbard- owner of Hubbard's Cupboard and Courtney Powell- Waynesville Athletic Trainer for attending the event and having great interaction with our students.  We had a total of 39 total students and adults which is an amazing turnout!  Thank you to all the students as well for making it such a fun evening of food, games and great conversation!

A special thanks to Brandon Larson and The Bridge for their donation of our dinner and the volunteers who he has to help him serve our students for this special event!


Chip Will, Assistant Principal

Waynesville Jr./Sr. High School

723 Dayton Rd. Waynesville, OH 45068

phone: (513) 897-4706

We're small enough to really know our students, that gives them BIG opportunities!

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