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UPDATED: 7/31 - 2020-2021 A Responsible Restart - Spartans Return to School

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UPDATED: 7/31 - 2020-2021 A Responsible Restart - Spartans Return to School

Jul 31, 2020
at 12:00 am
orange and gray with a spartan head

POSTED:  JULY 31, 2020


A Responsible Restart

Spartans Return to School

 Click here to be directed to our Restart Plan information page




This plan was developed in collaboration with the Warren County Health District and other Warren County school districts.  We monitor evolving conditions and data about the status of the pandemic.


We’ve used a 3-prong approach to this reopening plan: 

1. Data phase;

2. Design phase; and 

3. Decision and approval phase - Approved at Special Board Meeting July 29, 2020.


Our Priorities for 2020-2021 School Year:

  • Health and well-being of our students, our staff and their families
  • All students everyday, using health and safety guidelines
  • Adapting our instructional delivery
  • Providing quality instruction
  • Starting and throughout the school year using the safest delivery model


These general principles will guide the Wayne Local School District as we move forward with reopening our schools:

  • Wayne Local will implement recommended safety protocols to the highest degree possible.
  • Wayne Local will work closely with the Warren County Health District to promote safety in each school building.
  • Wayne Local will be transparent with all stakeholders that some level of risk will always be present when children and school district employees occupy school district facilities.
  • Wayne Local will provide a traditional face to face instructional model that may go remote as needed and a 100% online instructional option.
  • Wayne Local will establish Ohio’s Public Health Advisory System as a standard for specific risk level guidelines and action steps.
  • Wayne Local Schools will be prepared to deliver all instruction remotely using blended instructional strategies to intermittently transition between full-time face-to-face and off-site instruction as guided by the Public Health Advisory Alert System and determined by District administration.  Other considerations will be:

 individual classrooms where quarantine is required

individual school buildings where reduced staff and/or student attendance causes in person instruction not to be possible.

  • Wayne Local recognizes the need for consistency in areas of operations while recognizing that differences in classroom sizes, school facilities, and building operations may lead to some inconsistencies.
  • Wayne Local will provide special education services; intervention specialists and related service providers will collaborate with the general education teachers in order to ensure all specially designed instruction and services are provided to students based on students’ Individualized Education Programs (IEP).
  • Wayne Local will provide gifted services to qualifying students based on students’ Written Education Plan (WEP) and Written Acceleration Plan (WAP).
  • Wayne Local will take attendance during both “in-person” and “remote/online” instruction.  Further guidance on attendance is forthcoming from the state and regional work groups.
  • Wayne Local is working closely with health officials to establish a safety protocol for related arts and extracurricular activities.  This includes OHSAA sanctioned sports, art, band, choir and physical education.
  • Wayne Local has altered the start-of-school dates for staff and students by amending the 2020-2021 calendar.
  • Wayne Local requires flexibility; it will be crucial as we move forward together.  We will continue to re-evaluate based on evolving conditions, recommendations and guidance.



In-person learning features teacher-led learning experiences based on academic standards and preparation for independent online learning.



K-12 students independently complete assignments via the online learning platform.

The decision to receive instruction at home using Option 2 is a semester long commitment.  Students are not able to move back and forth between Options 1 and 2 while a semester is in session.


** For both options, grading practices will follow district policy and building level adopted standards.  Grading practices will focus on evidence of learning and take into account any constraints from the State as well as unique circumstances of the pandemic response.  All progress reports, grades, GPA and course credit will count.


General Conditions Option 1 -  Students in-person and in-buildings daily:

  • Wayne Local Schools will inform parents regarding safety protocols. Any student who attends school will incur some level of risk. Wayne Local Schools will work to decrease the likelihood of infection with hygiene practices, enhanced cleaning protocols, and safety procedures, but being in a public place has a certain level of risk that cannot be eliminated.
  • Classroom occupancy will be determined based on each individual circumstance with safety considerations based upon recommendations from our Health Department and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the nation’s leading group of pediatricians.  The AAP recommendation balances the importance of distancing with the overall health of children and the community at large.  Desks should be placed 3 to 6 feet apart when feasible.  Wayne Local will establish a standard of 3 feet spacing.
  • School employees will be required to use a face covering when they are within six feet of other adults and students in situational conditions.
  • Situational face coverings are required for students.  The ability to distance combined with Ohio’s Public Health Advisory System as a standard for face covering protocol.  At the “Red” level, face covering and distancing will be elevated, this includes large student events.  At the “purple” level, the district will be on remote learning and all activities will be cancelled. 
  • Wayne Local will place two students per seat as needed when transporting. The District will attempt to seat siblings together.  Seating charts are required on each bus to assist with safety, behavior and contact tracing.  Face coverings are required for Wayne Local drivers/aides, and are required for students riding Wayne Local Schools buses.  Accommodations will be made for special needs students. Hand sanitizer will be available on each bus.  Parents will be required to identify a single pick up and drop off address this school year.  In the event state policies require school districts to use alternative schedules, Wayne Local may adopt minimum requirements for transportation.
  • Wayne Local will continue to offer breakfast and lunch. Logistics will be determined by each building in compliance with Health Department guidance.  50% capacity/occupancy in the school cafeteria may create the need to eat in alternative settings within our buildings.  All students will be seated facing the same direction.  No salad bar or buffet style serving and individual condiments will be implemented with no open containers.
  • In order to maintain consistency with established safety procedures, Wayne Local will structure recess with pre-planned activities.  Activities considered “high touch” will be restricted and student access to certain pieces of playground equipment that may be difficult to clean and/or prevents students from practicing social distancing.   Students must sanitize their hands after recess. Indoor recess activities will require social distancing, with students remaining in cohort (pod) groups as assigned.
  • We request families begin working with their child to practice face covering and determine a face covering that will be comfortable and appropriate during the school day.
  • Any “rolling” closure of a classroom, bus route, school, or the District due to positive COVID-19 cases will be evaluated by the District on a case by case basis with guidance from the Warren County Health District.


Option 1 “In-person instruction” Specific Areas of Focus:


  • Parents/Caregivers

Conduct a student wellness check including temperature prior to sending a student to school

Students with temperatures over 100°F and other symptoms should stay home

         Provide a face covering for your student to wear situationally during the school day

         Provide your child a refillable water bottle

  • Students

Wearing a face covering is required when entering, exiting, or moving around the room.  Based on the State’s 4 tiered alert system, face covering requirements will be fluid.  Yellow and Orange levels, students may remove their face covering while seated in their desk, not working in close proximity to peers or a staff member.  At Red level, students Grades 3 -12 will keep their face covering on at their desk and be given a covering break every 15 minutes.  Grades PK - 2 will use modified “Red” level face covering protocol with enhanced distancing protocol.

Maintain maximum physical distance from peers whenever possible

Regularly wash hands soap/water and use hand sanitizer

Be responsive to all reminders and directives given by Wayne Local School staff

  • Teachers/Assistants

Lead the academic culture and focus in classrooms

Ensure classroom setup of desks provides physical distancing for students and staff

Maintain 6 feet of distancing and wear a face covering when working one on one with students or when circulating around the room not maintaining  physical distancing

Ensure students maintain physical distance whenever possible and provide everyone in the room with face covering breaks

Minimize shared classroom materials

Encourage regular hand cleaning

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report repeated expectation violators to the office

Notify custodians and administration with observations regarding cleaning supplies, procedures and schedules

  • Custodians

Disinfect learning and common areas throughout the work shift

Make sure cleaning  supplies and hand sanitizer are well distributed daily

Stock bathrooms well with needed supplies

  • Administration

Ensure classrooms are physically distanced when possible

Ensure learning and common spaces are disinfected on a regular basis

Ensure cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer stations and bathroom supplies  are readily available

Lead the building’s culture related to academics, face coverings and distancing protocol; monitor all COVID procedures are implemented yet balanced with a learning environment



  • Parents/Caregivers

Provide a face covering for your student to wear when in hallways or at lockers

Provide your student with a water bottle to be used daily, traditional water fountains will not be available for use

  • Students

Wearing a face covering is required when in hallways or at lockers

Upon arrival at school report immediately to your classroom

Carry a water bottle as water fountains will not be available for use

         Follow all protocol in the hallways and common areas

When possible, stay to the right when traveling down hallways and using stairs

Access assigned cubbies/lockers only during scheduled time provided by the classroom teacher

When standing or traveling in hallways, students as directed, shall use safe social distancing

Be responsive to all reminders and directives given by Wayne Local staff

  • Teachers/Assistants

Assist in the supervision of  hallways and common areas to ensure students are reporting immediately to class and not congregating in hallways or common areas

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report repeated expectation violators to the office

Provide and monitor locker and cubby use schedules to minimize congestion during arrival and dismissal

In the hallway or playground, ensure students are maintaining safe social distance

Monitor that restroom and water station protocol is followed

  • Custodians

Disinfect common areas based on a schedule provided by school administration. This includes but is not limited to tables, desks, door handles, handrails, toilets, stalls, and sinks

Ensure sanitizing stations and restrooms are stocked, operational, and monitored throughout the building

  • Administration

Ensure proper signage as appropriate is installed in hallways and common areas

Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians 

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and issue consequences to repeated expectation violators

Adjust the master schedule to maximize physical distancing and student safety

When observing the hallway or playground, ensure students are maintaining safe social distance



  • Parents/Caregivers

Conduct a student wellness check including temperature prior to sending a student to school. Students with temperatures over 100°F or showing other symptoms should stay home.

 Provide a face covering for your student to wear on the bus and while at school

Limit visits to school as much as possible; conduct a personal health check before coming to school

Remain in car during student drop off and pick up

 Follow posted guidelines and read all signage on school property and whenever entering the building

          Wearing a face covering as required on school property and  when entering the building

  • Students

Wearing a face covering  is required when entering, exiting, or moving around the building

Report directly to your assigned classroom/area upon arrival to school

Maintain maximum physical distance from peers whenever possible in hallways, common areas, offices, classrooms, etc.

Be responsive to all reminders and directives given by Wayne Local staff

  • Teachers/Assistants

Supervise hallways and common areas to ensure students are reporting immediately to assigned class and not congregating in hallways or common areas

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report repeated expectation violators to the office

  • Custodians

Disinfect common areas based on a schedule provided by school administration. This includes but is not limited to tables, desks, door handles, handrails, toilets, stalls, counters, and sinks

Ensure designated doors are open at arrival and dismissal

Ensure designated doors are closed and locked after arrival and dismissal

  • Administration

Ensure adequate supervision is available on bus lots, in parking lots, and in common areas of the building

 Ensure proper signage is installed as needed

Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and issue consequences to repeated expectation violators

Ensure designated doors are open at arrival and dismissal

Ensure designated doors are closed and locked after arrival and dismissal

Minimize visitors to ensure safety and health of students and staff

Adjust arrival/dismissal procedures to maximize physical distancing and student safety

  • Office Staff

Adhere to adjusted late arrival/early dismissal and attendance procedures to maximize physical distancing, student safety and accountability

  • Nurse

Adhere to adjusted arrival and dismissal procedures for ill students to maximize physical distancing and student safety



  • Note if the local alert level is “RED” no visitors or volunteers
  • Parents/Caregiver Volunteers

 Attend safety protocol training and undergo a background check prior to volunteering

Conduct a personal health screening prior to coming to a school building and do not come if you are running a fever higher than 100°F or showing other symptoms

Agree to a temperature check upon arrival in the building

Follow posted guidelines and read all signage whenever on campus and  entering the building

Wearing a face covering as  required on campus and  when entering the building

Maintain physical distancing whenever possible

Unscheduled visitors will not be permitted

PTO and party volunteers if allowed will ensure only individually pre wrapped store-bought snacks are provided to students and staff

  • Students

Maintain distancing and face covering protocol

  • Teachers/Assistants

Supervise classroom volunteers to ensure physical distancing

Notify administration of any volunteers not adhering to guidelines

         Ensure only two volunteers are permitted per classroom for parties (if allowed)

  • Custodians

Disinfect common areas based on a schedule provided by school administration

This includes but is not limited to tables, desks, door handles, handrails, toilets, stalls, counters, and sinks

  • Administration

Ensure proper signage is installed on campus, in hallways and common areas

 Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians

Provide gentle  reminders, issue warnings, and remove volunteer privileges of repeated expectation violators

Minimize visitors to ensure safety and health of students and staff

  • Office Personnel

Take the temperature of all volunteers before allowing them to enter the building

Volunteers with temperatures over 100°F or other symptoms will not be permitted



  • Note:  If the local alert level is “RED” all meetings and conferences will be remote or by phone call.
  • Parents/Caregivers

Attend meetings using video technology, when possible

In person meetings should follow appropriate physical distancing protocols and it is required that face coverings be worn when entering, exiting, and moving around the building

Conduct a personal health screening prior to coming to a school building and do not come if you are running a fever higher than 100°F or showing other symptoms

  • Students

Participate in meetings as requested by parents/caregivers or school staff

Follow physical distancing protocols

Wearing a face covering is required when entering the meeting, exiting the meeting, or when moving around the building to attend the meeting.  Remove face covering at the direction of WLS staff.

  • Teachers/Assistants

When possible, attend meetings from the classroom using video technology

Awareness of the need to clean and disinfect the area at the conclusion of each meeting

  • Custodians

Cleaning and disinfecting to take place at the conclusion of meetings

  • Administration

Due to COVID-19 and space restrictions, ensure in-person meetings are only held when it is determined an in-person meeting is essential

Ensure physical distancing guidelines are followed as much as possible when in-person meetings are held

Ensure physical space used for meetings allows for distancing guidelines



  • Parents/Caregivers

Conduct a student wellness check including temperature prior to sending a student to school.  Students with temperatures over 100°F and other symptoms should stay home

Provide a face covering for your student to wear on the bus and while at school

Ensure contact information is up to date in the event the nurse needs to contact home.  Cooperate with our health and office staff regarding information

Ensure there are multiple, pre-arranged methods of getting a student home from school should they become ill or exhibit symptoms

  • Students

Use designated entrances and exits to the clinic

Following physical distancing protocols as much as possible when in the clinic

Wearing a face covering as required when in or moving around the clinic

 Wearing a face covering as determined by the nurse is required if a student is determined to have a fever or other symptoms

  • Nurse

Wear a face covering and other protective gear when working individually with students

Ensure the workspace is kept clean and sanitized

Ensure physical distancing protocols are followed whenever possible

Use an isolation area for students who are exhibiting symptoms and a well clinic area for other students

Ensure the isolation area is disinfected immediately following a student entering who is exhibiting symptoms

Ensure doors to the clinic are open to minimize use of door handles and to ensure maximum air flow to the area

Ensure students being sent home due to illness leave through the designated door

Help to verify the name of the person picking up the student prior to opening the door

Help to verify parent ID matches name given

Help to record student name, parent name, pick up/drop off time, and reason in logbook (no touch pickup)

Disinfect clinic and isolation area based on schedule provided by school administration. This includes but is not limited to cot, tables, desks, door handles, countertops, seating areas, restrooms, etc.

  • Custodians

Disinfect clinic especially after school hours. This includes but is not limited to cot, tables, desks, door handles, countertops, seating areas, restrooms, etc.

Disinfect the isolation area after students who utilize the area have left the building

Assist nurses with any clean up as needed (bodily fluids, large messes, etc.)

Conduct exterior door checks as needed

  • Administration

Ensure proper signage is installed

Ensure regular cleaning and disinfecting takes place in the office area

Ensure seating areas are properly physically distanced

Ensure the student well clinic and isolation areas are properly supervised when in use



  • Parents/Caregivers

 Provide a face covering for your student to wear while at school

Limit visits to school as much as possible including visits to drop off forgotten items

 No-contact online payments for lunch accounts are strongly encouraged. Cash or checks paid in line require close contact with students

  • Students

When possible, stay to the right when traveling down hallways

 Wearing a face covering when in line or moving around the cafeteria

  Sit in designated seats

 Follow guidelines for restroom use during lunch periods

 If bringing a packed lunch, report immediately to your designated seating area

Follow physical distancing guidelines as much as possible when in line and in the serving areas

Sanitize hands prior to entering the cafeteria

  • Teachers/Assistants

Line up students buying lunch according to cafeteria requested protocol

Supervise designated eating areas to ensure students are properly physically distanced

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report repeated expectation violators to the office

Wear a face covering when circulating around designated eating areas

Monitor and issue passes for bathroom use during lunch time

  • Custodians

Disinfect all tabletops and seats before and after each lunch

Disinfect restrooms and common spaces before and after lunches. This includes but is not limited to tables, desks, door handles, handrails, toilets, stalls, and sinks

  • Cafeteria Staff

Wear face coverings and gloves while serving food

Clean and disinfect serving areas and tables between lunches

Serve all food to students that require serving utensils. There will be no self-service that uses common utensils

         Enhanced wrapping of food items as prescribed by our Health Department

No common use of condiments unless in a self-contained unit

  • Administration

Ensure proper signage is installed in designated eating areas

 Ensure enough seating is provided to ensure proper physical distancing

 Adjust lunch schedule to reduce the number of students in the cafeteria to ensure proper physical distancing

When dismissing lunch use staggered dismissal

 Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and issue consequences to repeated expectation violators



  • Parents/Caregivers

Provide a face covering for your student to wear when in hallways in route to bathrooms

  • Students

Follow all signage in the hallways, common areas and restrooms

When possible, stay to the right when traveling down hallways to get to restrooms

 Wear face covering to and from restroom

If all restroom stalls are in use, students wait outside the restroom entrance to maintain distancing

  • Teachers/Assistants

Assist in supervision of restrooms, hallways, and common areas between classes

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report repeated expectation violators to the office

  • Custodians

Disinfect restrooms based on schedule provided by school administration; this includes but is not limited to counters, paper towel and soap dispensers, door handles, toilets, stalls, and sinks

Ensure all soap and paper towel dispensers are stocked and fully functioning

  • Administration

Ensure proper signage is installed in hallways, common areas and restrooms

Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians

Provide gentle reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and issue consequences to repeated expectation violators

Create a building restroom schedule to limit the number of students that are in restrooms at the same time

Implement measures within the restroom  to allow for appropriate physical distancing



  • Parents/Caregivers

Conduct a personal health screening prior to coming to a school building and do not come if you are running a fever higher than 100°F or showing other symptoms

Wearing a face covering is required when entering, exiting, and moving around the office/building

In-person office visits should follow appropriate physical distancing protocols

  • Students

 Use designated entrances and exits to the office

Following physical distancing protocols as much as possible when in office

Wearing a face covering is required while in or moving around the office

  • Teachers/Assistants

Wearing a face covering is required when moving around the office area

Follow physical distancing protocols

  • Office Personnel

Monitor and control the number of people in the office at any one time

Help to  wipe down the office as needed (this includes but is not limited to  door handles, countertops, seating areas, etc)

Use sneeze guards to distance

  • Custodians

Disinfect office based on schedule provided by school administration. This includes but is not limited to door handles, countertops, seating areas, restrooms, etc.

         Make sure office staff is provided with all supplies needed for sanitizing

  • Administration

Minimize visitors to ensure safety of all students and staff

Ensure proper signage is installed in the office and leading into the office

Ensure regular cleaning and disinfecting takes place in the office area

Ensure physical distancing guidelines are followed as much as possible when in-person meetings are held

orange and gray box with spartan head

Posted:  Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Responsible Restart

Spartans Return to School

Spartan Restart Download Here

(Note: all plans are subject to change based on evolving conditions, data regarding status of the pandemic, and the recommendations or guidance from public health authorities.)

By order of Governor Mike DeWine and the Director of the Ohio Department of Health, all schools in Ohio were closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year beginning March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders from all the Warren County public school districts have worked together with the Warren County Health Department to develop critical conditions, while providing a safe and healthy environment, for students to return to school in the fall of 2020.

To help our parents plan, we are releasing partial reopening details. Wayne Local Schools will delay the full reopening of school for the 2020/21 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, the district plans to fully reopen school for students 1st through 12th grade on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 following Labor Day. Preschool and Kindergarten will begin school on Thursday, September 10, 2020.




Preschool:  Details pending

Kindergarten:  All Kindergarten will be half-days with flipped instruction for the 2020/2021 school year. See details regarding “flipped instruction.” Also, see details regarding orientation changes and operating on a Schedule “B” plan from September 10 through September 25th.

1st Grade:
All 1st graders will attend school for half days (either AM or PM) and will be given flipped instruction to complete at home for the 2020/21 school year. These decisions are developmentally appropriate and allow the district to create adequate social distancing in a consistent 5 day a week model as opposed to an alternating day model being used by many area school districts. Assignment of AM or PM will be a district administrative decision. See details regarding “flipped” instruction. Also, see details regarding orientation changes and operating on a Schedule “B” plan from September 8 through September 25th.

2nd - 5th Grade:
Normal schedule; See details regarding orientation changes and operating on a Schedule “B” plan from September 8 through September 25th.



Normal school hours for Middle School beginning on September 8th: 7:25 am to 2:30 pm.  See details regarding orientation changes.



Normal school hours for High School beginning on September 8th: 7:25 am to 2:30 pm.   See details regarding orientation changes.



Warren County Career Center:

The Warren County Career Center (WCCC) will begin school on August 17, 2020 (Juniors only). WCCC Seniors will start school on August 18, 2020. There will be a bus shuttle to the WCCC from Waynesville High School parking lot. The bus will leave promptly at 7:20 am and will return to the high school at 2:20 pm. The shuttle bus will run any day the WCCC is in session.




A flipped classroom flips, or reverses, traditional teaching methods. Traditionally, the teacher talks about a topic at school and assigns homework that reinforces that day's material. In a flipped classroom, elements of instruction are strategically delivered outside of class using a variety of instructional strategies such as online recorded clips, audio or interactive activities. This allows for more direct instruction to take place during class.



The evening open houses and orientations for all buildings have been cancelled. The District will use a “soft opening” format to orientate students and staff to COVID related protocol. Preschool and Kindergarten student orientation will take place on their first day of school, September 10th. For grades 1 through 12, the below orientations for students-only will replace the previously scheduled open houses. Bus transportation (pick up and drop off) will be provided in order to enhance implementation of bus procedures before the full reopening on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. (Note: bus schedules will be released at a later date)

· Grade 1 AM Orientation: 9/2/2020 8:45 am to 10:30 am

· Grade 1 PM Orientation: 9/2/2020 11:45 am to 1:30 pm

· Grade 2 Orientation: 8/31/2020 8:45 am to 10:30 am

· Grade 3 Orientation: 9/1/2020 8:45 am to 10:30 am

· Grade 4 Orientation 8/31/2020 8:45 am to 10:30 am

· Grade 5 Orientation 9/1/2020 8:45 am to 10:30 am

· Grade 6 Orientation 8/31/2020 7:25 am to 2:30 pm

· Grade 7 Orientation 9/1/2020 7:25 am to 2:30 pm

· Grade 8 Orientation 9/1/2020 7:25 am to 2:30 pm

· Grade 9 Orientation 8/31/2020 7:25 am to 2:30 pm

· Grade 10 Orientation 9/1/2020 7:25 am to 2:30 pm

· Grade 11 Orientation 8/31/2020 7:25 am to 2:30 pm

· Grade 12 Orientation 9/1/2020 7:25 am to 2:30 pm




With limited air conditioning in the elementary school and anticipated heat issues, our elementary students will operate on the plan B schedule beginning on the first day of school through Friday, September 25th (then as needed). Flipped Instruction will be assigned to complete at home. Plan B is as follows:

2nd - 5th grade: 8:45 - 1:30 pm 9/8/2020 - 9/25/2020

1st grade AM 8:45 - 10:30 am 9/8/2020 - 9/25/2020

1st grade PM 11:45 - 1:30 pm 9/8/2020 - 9/25/2020

AM K/AM Preschool 8:45 - 10:30 am 9/10/2020 -9/25/2020

PM K/PM Preschool 11:45 - 1:30 pm 9/10/2020 - 9/25/2020


Normal school hours for Elementary School beginning on September 28th:  8:45 am to 3:37 pm




Although the District and each school building has safety protocols in place, students who attend school will incur a level of risk. The District will utilize hygiene, cleaning and safety procedures in each building in an attempt to decrease the likelihood of infection, but a certain level of inherent risk of being in a public place cannot be eliminated.



Online Only Instruction for students choosing not to attend face to face. Students participating in this option will learn through an online curriculum platform designed by the Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) used by our partner, Warren County Educational Service Center. These courses are fully aligned to Ohio’s Content Standards. The VLA programming is a complete online platform. There are no live classes. All curriculum elements are contained so that a student can progress through the course independently with assistance from a Waynesville teacher communicating and monitoring on a regular basis. Students will agree to remote learning from home one semester at a time. Students will not be permitted to come in and out of remote learning during a semester.


Should a building be closed for COVID or other calamity conditions such as snow, Wayne Local Schools will switch to an intermittent remote learning platform, a more robust remote learning version of what our students experienced this past spring. All classrooms grades 3 -12 will be required to implement and use Google Classroom in order to facilitate intermittent remote learning in a quick and academically effective manner. Grades K-2 will use more appropriate platforms to be determined for remote learning. Any student who has been attending school in person will be using this model. Any student enrolled in the Virtual Learning Academy will continue in VLA regardless of the District going on intermittent remote status.



Parents will be asked forthcoming which option their child(ren) will be committing to for Semester 1 (September through December 22, 2020) at Wayne Local Schools:

OPTION 1: In-person and In-buildings daily with safety protocols

OPTION 2: At-home daily using Virtual Learning Academy with district support

Enrollment, orientation and scheduling details for Options 1 and 2 will be communicated to parent/student in the near future.




Wayne Local Schools staff calendar will not change; staff will report on August 11, 2020 using this time preparing for student protocol for the 2020/21 school year.




There will be a special Wayne Local Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, July 29th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Spartan Room to approve an amended school calendar and detailed elements of our reopening plan.

orange and gray with a spartan head

Posted:  July 14, 2020

2020-2021 School Calendar Changes Released Next Week

The Wayne Local School District administration team has been working to review survey results, discuss options, and finalize plans for the 2020-2021 school year.  We will be releasing school calendar changes and announcing the date of the special Board of Education meeting for approval. General information is expected to be released on Wednesday, July 22, 2020.  Subsequently, specific procedures and guidelines will follow as soon as they are available.

gray and orange with a spartan head

NOTICE:  June 17, 2020
School Year 2020-2021 Re-Open Planning Discussions

Wayne Local School Administration has recently opened discussions with area schools within Warren County in an effort to draft a common school reopen plan for fall 2020.  This plan is still in its early form as many fine tune details have yet to be completed.  

As details become more concrete we will make our district plan available for parents, staff and community members.

Thank you for being a part of our Wayne Local School Community and enjoy these nice summer days with well-deserved rest and relaxation!


Wayne-Local Administrative Team



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