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Aug 27, 2021
message from superintendent


August 27, 2021


Dear Spartan Family,

As we approach our first week of school, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) are highly recommending that unvaccinated individuals wear masks while in school buildings. As the CDC, Governor of Ohio, and ODH are not mandating that masks be worn, Wayne Local Schools will also not require masks for students and staff. Masking will be a parent/guardian choice. We encourage parents/guardians and staff to talk with their physician or another healthcare provider to make an educated decision regarding masking and what is best for you, your child, and your family.

Our ultimate goal is to keep students in-person, at school, five days a week for the entirety of the 2021/22 school year. I intend to focus on this goal as I consider any recommendation to the Board of Education regarding the masking of students and staff in our schools.

I've been in correspondence with other area superintendents who currently have students back inperson. Those districts have seen an increase in both COVID-19 cases and required quarantines among students and staff members.

There are currently two ways to avoid being quarantined and remain in school when exposure to COVID 19 has likely occurred: 1. being vaccinated or 2. wearing a mask. Not being vaccinated or choosing to not wear a mask has potential consequences for staying in school without interruption.

Our decision to not require masks is subject to change if there should be any new mandates or information from the State of Ohio or the Warren County Health Department.

One segment of our district that is not exempt from masking is school transportation. All students and adults who ride or operate a school bus to and from school, including field trips and extracurricular activities, must wear a mask. The Centers for Disease Control has mandated that passengers on public transportation must be masked. For purposes of this mandate, the CDC does define public school buses as public transportation. Our bus drivers and aides will be masked along with any student riding a school bus.

We will be posting a COVID-19 Dashboard that lists positive COVID cases and quarantines among staff and students to our website. We will make every effort to have the dashboard updated every week. 

Mask Use:

  • At this time, mask-wearing will be optional for the 2021/22 school year.
  • Masks will be required on school transportation, whether vaccinated or not, until further notice.

Key Takeaways:

  • The CDC recommends universal indoor masking, regardless of vaccination status.
  • The CDC recommends everyone 12 years and older should get a COVID-19 vaccination.

Vaccination Notification:

  • Students or staff may voluntarily submit their COVID-19 vaccination status to the School Nurse Jennifer Royalty at

These guidelines will be evaluated on a regular basis alongside the COVID-19 numbers within our community.

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