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Senior Paint Your Spot

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Senior Paint Your Spot

Jul 29, 2023
painting on parking spot

What is it?

• Fundraiser for The SHIELD–Open to SENIORS ONLY (Class of 2024)
• Paint your own parking space.
• Create your own custom design


• $25 for Parking Pass and $25 to leave YOUR mark on your Senior Year (total of $50)
• You purchase your own paint and materials


• Beginning August 1st, 3rd and 4th, you will be allowed to come and pick and paint spots from 8AM – 4PM after art work is approved. 
• If you would like prior approval, please email Mr. Hill at with an attachment or image of your plan.


• Waynesville JH/SH School Parking Lot Assigned Senior Parking Space.


Guidelines and Restrictions:  

• An application & drawing with your design needs to be submitted for approval
• You must bring your own paint and all supplies
• Parking spaces are 9 feet wide X 17 feet long 
• You must maintain a 1 ft. border from inside of yellow parking lines on all sides and 1 foot above your space number
• Must stay 1 foot above the spot number 
• NO spray paint, reflective or florescent paint
• Must use approved paint only:  any interior/exterior latex paint or water soluble 

(All products inspected on paint day)



Student Automobile Permit


School Year 2023-24

Name of Student:  ____________________________Grade:  ______________

Phone Number: ______________________________


Those driving to school must sign a drug and alcohol testing acknowledgment form, register their vehicle with the office, and display a parking permit in car window by September 1st. Random drug and alcohol tests will be conducted quarterly pursuant to the Board’s Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Testing Policy. Failure to pay for a parking permit, a positive drug test*, and speeding/reckless driving on school grounds will result in loss of parking privileges and possible disciplinary action. The parking lots by the tennis courts and in front of the middle school are permit areas. Students are not permitted to drive or be in the vehicle during school hours.  Pedestrians always have the right of way on school grounds. Students are not to park in the visitor’s areas, staff parking, administration building, elementary parking lots, or in front of the high school.  If a student parks in one of these areas:

        1st Offense—ASI

         2nd Offense— will lose parking pass for remainder of semester

 *A positive drug screen will result in:

For each offense, loss of parking permit for a minimum of six consecutive school calendar months. Student will also be required to seek an evaluation from a reputable drug and alcohol agency acceptable to the administration. Failure to follow through with this requirement shall result in loss of parking privileges for the remainder of the student's high school academic career or until the evaluation and assessment procedure is carried out, whichever occurs first. An evaluation shall be a program designed to assess the needs of the particular student driver and will include an evaluation, drug and alcohol test, and educational component regarding the harmful nature of drugs and alcohol. The cost of any such evaluation shall be the responsibility of the student.



Has permission to drive an automobile to and from school.  By granting the permission I understand that the above will abide by all regulations pertaining to student automobiles.  


Parent Signature_______________________________


Student Signature: _________________________________




1. Make of Auto:  ___________________________Color:  ______________

Year______​​License Plate No.:  _________________


2. Make of Auto:  ___________________________Color:  ______________

Year______​​License Plate No.:  _________________


Below Internal Use ONLY

Payment:  Cash: __________ Check # __________ Payable to: Wayne Local Schools

RECEIPT NO: ____________________________ PARKING NO: ___________________________

Design Approved:    ________ Yes   __________ No   __________ Revision Required


Approved by:_________________________________________________________________________

Reason for Revision: ______________________________________________________________________________

Feel free to submit a separate sheet with your design if you need more room.

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