Ohio's Sauerkraut Scholarship Winners 2023

Thank you for all community members, merchant/businesses, and sponsor contributions!!
Without your contributions, these scholarships would not be possible.
Our 2023 Sauerkraut Festival Scholarship in the amount of $1500 goes to: Jillian Layne
This is the eighth year for our Founder’s Scholarship in honor of Sauerkraut Festival Founder Albert “Cap” Stubbs. This scholarship, in the amount of $1800 goes to: Isaiah Webb
Finally, our annual Joe Coons Community Service Scholarship in the amount of $2000 goes to: Elizabeth Nichols
This year we have a special scholarship to award in memory of Jane Jones. Jane loved the sauerkraut festival and this scholarship goes to the applicant who shares the same zest for the festival. This scholarship in the amount of $1200 goes to: Makayla Kamp.
Again thank you to our scholarship sponsors and festival sponsors for making these scholarships happen.