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MS-HS Spring Concert 2019

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MS-HS Spring Concert 2019

May 14, 2019
at 8:50 am
animated landscape with music notes

Spring Concert 2019 Monday, May 13th in the High School Gym Performance Times:6:30pm Middle School7:45pm High School

people wearing formal attire standing in risers
The High School Choir

band members seated in chairs
The High School Band

people wearing white shirts standing in risers
The 7th & 8th Grade Choir

band members seated in chairs
The 7th & 8th Grade Band

people wearing white shirts standing in risers
The 6th Grade Choir

band seated in chairs
The 6th Grade Band

The Waynesville Music Department and their talented students once again wow'd audience members with their performances at the Spring Concert on Monday night.  Under the direction of Leslie Schleman, Band Director, and Keith Minnery, Choir Director, the groups performed an assortment of pieces that showcased their talents.   Thank you for a fabulous evening of entertainment.  

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