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March Mammal Madness

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March Mammal Madness

Mar 9, 2023
at 10:00 am
2023 March mammal Madness logo

“Inspired by (but in no way affiliated with or representing) the NCAA College Basketball March Madness Championship Tournament, March Mammal Madness is an annual tournament of *simulated* combat competition among animals. Scientific literature is cited to substantiate likely outcomes as a probabilistic function of the two species' attributes within the battle environment. Attributes considered in calculating battle outcome include temperament, weaponry, armor, body mass, running speed, fight style, physiology, and motivation.”

This is our second year participating in the March Mammal Madness tournament at WHS. The science department has encouraged our students to research and learn about the animals and their habitats. The students follow the tournament during March and April and get really excited watching the battles play out. It has been a great way to expose them to little known species and encourage awareness about our planet and ecosystems.

March mammal Madness bracket
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