Manufacturing Day at WHS

Manufacturing Power Lunch at WHS
October is Manufacturing Month! To help the students celebrate and learn about modern manufacturing WHS held a power lunch on October 8th. The goal was to inspire the next generation of the many opportunities within the manufacturing field from the ground floor up. Areas of engineering and design, robotics, CNC technology, management, computer assemblers, IT, and material analyst are only a few of the careers within the manufacturing cluster. All fields working together to process materials into products.
Thank you to DRMA-Dayton Regions Manufacturers Association, HI-TEK Manufacturing, Henny Penny Manufacturing, Elite Welding, Cornerstone Research Group, and Sinclair Community College coming out to WHS and interacting with our students. By promoting this career exploration and allowing questions and shared information, the students gained valuable knowledge about so many different career fields needed to make one manufacturing company run efficiently. Sinclair Community College representative spoke to the seniors as well to educate them about Short Term Certificates, Associate Degrees, and the Articulated Agreements they offer to move on to other four year colleges to earn a Bachelor’s Degree with the possibility of their education being paid for by companies. The freshman class was also able to interact with a live zoom with Cornerstone Research Group. Thank you to everyone that made this event a success.
Students interested in Pre-Apprenticeships available in the Warren County area can reach out to the Warren County Workforce Initiative or ashinkle@wayne-local.comto learn more about all the opportunities that exist within our area.