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Informational Meeting for Parents of Gifted-Identified Students - Grades 1-8

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Informational Meeting for Parents of Gifted-Identified Students - Grades 1-8

Sep 9, 2019
at 12:00 am
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Parents of gifted-identified students in grades 1-8, join us for an information night on Monday, September 23 from 6:30-7:30 in the Elementary School Media Center.  Learn about the identification process, written education plans (WEP), acceleration, gifted services and local enrichment opportunities.  The meeting will end with a brief presentation by Holly Papanek about the enrichment trip for gifted students in grades 4-7.  Copies of the WLS Gifted Parent Brochure will be available. If you have questions, please contact Karen Boggs, Gifted Coordinator at Gifted Parent Meeting September 2019

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