Health Science Camp

On March 31, Waynesville students Ellianna Cassoni, Riley Doyle, and Kaylee Maher attended a Health Science Camp hosted by Sinclair Community College. The students participated in a two-part program at the Sinclair campus in Mason. Part 1 was an overview of health sciences and occupations within a hospital setting. The students learned about the various roles and skills needed within medical occupations. These occupations included, pharmacy technician, medical assistant, health information management, dietetic technician, public health, and phlebotomy.
Part 2 of the camp was presented by UC Health/West Chester Hospital and showcased a variety of rotations for students to learn more about various occupations in a hospital. This portion of the day allowed the students to experience hands-on demonstrations in areas including, respiratory, surgery tech, clinical engineering, and phlebotomy.
Waynesville High School was proud to Ellianna, Riley, and Kaylee represent our school at the camp. They enjoyed their experience and walked away with valuable information and experiences about potential careers in the medical field.