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Friendly Reminders: Elementary School Information on Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

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Friendly Reminders: Elementary School Information on Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Jan 12, 2022




8:30 am         Breakfast doors open 

8:35 am         Doors open for all students 

8:40 am         School day begins

Staff Members and Crossing Guards will be assisting parents and students during arrival and dismissal.  

See below picture for a visual diagram. 

Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade:

Enter in the old elementary driveway closest to the construction fence (ignore the arrows indicating that it is an exit).

Pull up to the crosswalk (rounding the driveway to the right) that leads to the main front doors of the elementary.  After dropping off your child, pull up to the corner.  Parents will then be turning right onto Spartan Way (new boulevard) when directed by a staff member to exit the campus.

If you have a sibling in an upper grade, they may use this parking lot.

Second Grade, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, and Fifth Grade: 

Enter the Jr./Sr. High Parking lot (old Middle School parking lot) and proceed past the front main doors to drop off children to the sidewalk on the right.  Students will continue on the sidewalk to the crossing guard and will cross over to the elementary school with staff assistance.   Turn left at the corner of the building to Spartan Way (new boulevard) to exit. 

 Sixth Grade:

Enter in the old elementary driveway closest to the construction fence (ignore the arrows indicating that it is an exit).

Pull up to the crosswalk that leads to the main front doors of the elementary.  After dropping off your child, pull up to the corner.  Parents will then be turning right onto Spartan Way (new boulevard) when directed by a staff member to exit the campus.


Elementary Dismissal Procedures:      

3:25 pm         Walkers and Car riders leave the building

3:32 pm         Buses leave 

Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade Dismissal:

Same procedures as used for arrival.  Stay in your car!  Drive up to the crosswalk and we will bring your child to you. Stop at the end of the parking lot, turn right on to Spartan Way (new boulevard) to exit the campus.

Second through Fifth Grade:

Use the same Jr./Sr. High entrance as arrival (Old Middle School parking lot) and pull into the parking lot. With assistance, students will be walking over to the parking lot to be picked up.  Parents may pull into a vacant spot or form a line.  Be cautious backing out of a parking spot to check for children.  Turn left at the corner of the building to Spartan Way (new boulevard) to exit. 

Sixth Grade:

Use the same entrance as the AM arrival procedures (old elementary exit). Pull up to the corner and wait for your students to exit the building using the main crosswalk.

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