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Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Award

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Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Award

Apr 4, 2022

Congratulations Savanna Amburgy!

Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Recipient

The Warren County ESC hosted their annual student recognition program for scholarship recipients and school district personnel. During this ceremony, one (1) senior student from each participating school district in Warren County was recognized as a 2022 Franklin B. Walter All-Scholastic Award winner, with one (1) overall winner chosen from the group. Savanna Amburgy was selected as the 2022 Waynesville High School winner. 

Savanna received a $500 scholarship that is given to one (1) student from each Warren County school district to recognize superior academic achievement.

The Franklin B. Walter All-Scholastic Award also recognizes the teachers those students have chosen as having a positive impact in their lives.  Savanna recognized Waynesville High School teacher Patrick Hardin. 

As part of the application process for the Franklin B. Walter All-Scholastic Award, students had to submit a list of extracurricular or community activities including awards/honors, class offices held, student government activities, athletics, and music/theater, as well as a written statement discussing their short-term and long-term goals, both professional and personal.

franklin walters scholarship
Ms. Karyn Phillips, Principal; Savanna Amburgy; Mr. Patrick Hardin, Teacher
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