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Final Forms Due August 23rd, 2019

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Final Forms Due August 23rd, 2019

Aug 19, 2019
at 10:00 am
image with a red check mark

News about orientation: This year, we have set up Final Forms to record all your child’s personal data such as address, parents’ names, custody details, emergency contacts, etc. This system will replace the emergency cards we used to have each parent fill out at the open house. You can logon to the website any time before Open House and complete your child’s forms. If you need help, or do not have access to a computer, we will be happy to walk you through the process on a school computer at your child’s Open House. *PLEASE NOTE – These forms need to be completed before AUGUST 23RD 2019. If you have already signed up your student for a school sport using the Final Forms system, you will use the same login information you have already used for sports. If your child has not participated in a school sport, you will need to set up an account.   Go to Under Parent, either login in with the previous account details you used for sports, or set up a New Account.  (Please remember to use the same account if you have an athlete) Click on Register Student. Or Add Student Complete Register a New Student. (if you have already registered your students, you will click on Update Forms) You can complete the Sports information at a later date. For now, click on Skip, not a student-athlete. If you have already been using final forms for sports, you may see No Changes, Proceed to Forms,   click on that and proceed. Now you will complete every one of the forms listed in pink/red on the left of the screen. As you complete them, they will turn yellow or green. Once you have completed all the forms, your student will be sent an email telling them how to complete their portion of the forms. Any question Please feel free to call: High School Office  513-897-2776Middle School Office  513-897-4706Elementary School Office 513-897-2761

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