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District News

spelling bee poster

Elementary School Final Bee Dec. 19th

DEC 14, 2017
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Waynesville Elementary is hosting a Spelling Bee for 4th and 5th grades, on Thursday and Friday of this week.  Parents are welcome to arrive at 8:45am and wait in the front atrium by the office until ...

burgandy poster announcing Random Act of Kindness week

Random Act of Kindness Week Dec 11-15

DEC 13, 2017
at12:00 am

Random Acts of Kindness/Christmas Spirit Week

The high school is participating in Random Act of Kindness Week and combining it with Christmas Spirit Week.  

Each day has a different dress up theme, ...

the word Santa Shop

The Santa Shop Dec. 11-15

DEC 13, 2017
at12:00 am

Santa Shop is coming! December 11-15. Please use the sign up link below if you'd like to help.  Fingerprinted and completed background check required. Santa Shop Volunteers Click Here Details about...

white sign with a car full of people

DEC 15 (FRIDAY) -- LUNCH TIME Current Seniors are invited to eat lunch in the Spartan Room to meet with 2017 graduates about college transition.

people posing in front of a christmas tree

Merry Christmas from Girls Tennis

DEC 11, 2017
at12:00 am

The HS girls tennis team gathered one last time in 2017, and would like to extend a Merry Christmas wish to all.  

  • Morgan Achard: 4th year Varsity Tennis
  • Rosylnn Papetti: 3rd year Varsity Tennis, ...
college bound street sign

Date – January 24th, 6-7 pm

College Bound Students:

A representative from Sinclair Community College will be available for parents and students to discuss college for students with a disability.  ...

basketball swishing through  net

Boys Basketball Update Dec 8, 2017

DEC 8, 2017
at12:00 am

Go Spartans!

Mike Arlinghaus

(513) 897-4706 ext 4118

the words, student voice

Student Voices Matter

DEC 8, 2017
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The 2017-18 school year is off to a great start for me as the new principal. I have enjoyed meeting ...

red christmas ornament

Third Grade Holiday Music Program

DEC 8, 2017
at12:00 am

On Tuesday, December 12th the 3rd grade students will perform their Holiday Music Program “Toys!” at 2:45 and 7:00 pm in the Elementary Gym.  Everyone is invited to come enjoy as Santa’s toys come ali...

man talking to a group of students


A Huge Thank You

The B.A.T.S. (Bringing Authors to Schools) committee planned and organized a visit from author Mike Artell.  Yesterday, the elementary school students enjoyed time with Mr...

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